Camp is almost in full swing for the summer; staff training just finished up and on Sunday, campers will be coming. Even though I've already experienced life as a camp counselor last year, I feel like there are many things for me to learn. For instance, here are ten things I learned from the first week of staff training and the day camp I went on this last week.
1. A weed whacker doubles as a lawn mower and triples as a hedge trimmer.
2. When a kid poops her pants - twice - it does not decrease her cuteness at all.
3. When said kid says, "My mommy says I have soft stools," after pooping her pants, pooping her pants actually makes her cuter.
4. My "angry dad" voice scares kids like nothing else.
5. The best way to avoid the Lutheran theology seminar is to be sick.
6. The best meal of the day is late-night cereal.
7. There's no shame in going to bed at 9:30, even though it's summer.
8. Sometimes teddy bears are actually horrifying instead of cute (my host family had the most terrifying teddy bear I've ever seen. Like, seriously - this is the stuff from which nightmares are made).
9. If the meal is beef commercials and hashbrowns, I can put it down like Kobayashi.
10. Sometimes people will just steal your Cheez-Its and give them to the kids for snack.
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