Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Life Goals

I've come to the conclusion that I'm not a good adult yet. I know that some of you may not even classify me as an adult, but I do, and I'm not really good at being one. I feel like good adults have real life goals such as, but not limited to: getting a job that pays a certain amount of money each year, retiring at the age of 65, buying a house, buying a car, etc. I don't have any of those goals at this point in my life. However, I do have some life goals, and I'm willing to share them with you. My life goals, in no particular order, are:

1. Ride an ostrich
I said these are in no particular order, but this one is definitely first on the priority list. I don't know what gave me the idea to have this as a goal, but it has been since my freshman year of college, making it the oldest life goal I have. Just the other night I had a dream that I visited an ostrich ranch that had cowboys riding on ostriches. It looked amazing. Then one cowpoke offered to let me ride his ostrich (if you know what I mean (I mean ostrich. Like the flightless bird)). It was, in fact, amazing. That was the best dream I ever had, and added to my desire to one day ride an ostrich.

2. Eat at a Sonic.
I believe that there is only one Sonic restaurant in the whole state of Minnesota, and probably zero in South Dakota. I haven't done any research on this, but I've never seen one in my life. I have been told, though, that there is one in Minnesota, and my roommate has eaten there. They have pretty good commercials, entertainment-wise, and every single food item they advertise looks delicious. I want to eat there. I will eat there. Some day...

3. Be a Sam's Club member
Have you ever been to a Sam's Club? Bulk items as far as the eye can see in that place. Bulk is definitely the best way to buy. If I was a member, I'd get discounts. I'd only have to go grocery shopping once a semester! I'd just load up on mandarin oranges, soups, beans, and anything else that is non-perishable. Even after college, when semester isn't even really a word anymore, it'd be great to be a Sam's Club member. Shopping twice - maybe thrice - a year? Yeah, I could dig that.

4. Get two beagles - one male, one female - and name them Flapjack and Pancake
This goal was altered a few weeks ago. I told my roommate that one of my life goals was to get a beagle and name it Pancake. He asked if this was a girl's name or a boy's name. I said it could be either, and he laughed and suggested Flapjack as a name. "AWWWWW YEAH! I'M GONNA GET TWO BEAGLES AND NAME THE BOY FLAPJACK AND THE GIRL PANCAKE!" If you're wondering, "Why Pancake?" just google an image of a beagle, and in your head refer to it as Pancake. It makes sense. One of my friends, Sarah Glynn, was recently dog sitting a beagle. She was vehemently opposed to the name Pancake, so I told her, "Try calling the dog you're dog sitting Pancake. I bet it'll respond." Guess what - it did. Beagles were meant to be named Pancake, and since flapjack is another word for pancake it makes sense to name a boy beagle Flapjack.

5. Be successful in my career/have a family. And stuff
Obviously, in my life, I want to be successful in my career. I also want to start a family. Not really much else to elaborate on, here.

6. Remember the life goal that I already accomplished
There was another life goal that I had, but I accomplished it. The problem is that I can't remember what that goal was. This inability to remember such an important moment is frustrating me to no end. I was almost brought to tears last night from frustration, and I had a very restless night of sleep. For the life of me I cannot remember what that goal was. I've never tried so hard to remember something. The sense of failure only adds to the frustration. So, my newest life goal is to remember what that other life goal was that I already accomplished.

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