Saturday, April 14, 2012

Running Errands

I don't know of anyone that truly enjoys running errands. In that sense, I am a normal person. I hate running errands. The simple thought of going grocery shopping has kept me hungry for hours on some days. Just the phrase, "running errands" - can't I just walk errands? Or sleep errands? Maybe do nothing and have the errands just kind of take care of themselves? No, we have to run errands, which, in itself, suggests the whole process will be tiring and I'll just want to be dead afterwards. This whole week I'd been dreading the day when I would finally give in and go to the grocery store. During the week, I made the decision to go on Friday. I also decided that I needed a haircut. "I guess I'll do that on Friday, too! Then I'll just have to make one trip." That's some pretty good planning, yeah? Well, it seemed like a great idea at the time because I didn't have to do anything until Friday. But then Friday came, and my self-promise of running errands loomed over me from the moment I woke up. Everything I did (shower, eat, vegetate) yesterday had much less joy to it, because I knew I'd have to go do stuff. And not just any stuff - errand stuff, which is the worst kind of stuff. It was even hard to work up the motivation to shower. Once I showered, I knew I'd have no excuse to not go run my errands. So, I wasted a few hours procrastinating taking a shower. It was all downhill from there.

After my shower, I got dressed very slowly. Sadly, no matter how slowly one gets dressed, it's still only going to take about a minute. For some reason I anticipated that to take an hour or two...or twelve. After I finally got dressed, I went to the kitchen. Here, I was faced with quite the dillema - I wanted to take a lot of time making food, but I didn't want to make food that took a lot of time to make. I decided to eat leftovers. My laziness had lost this round. Or did it win? I'm not sure. After I washed my dishes, I let out a huge sigh because I knew it was time. I grabbed my keys and my wallet, put on my shoes, and left my house. Out of habit, I checked the mail. To my surprise there was something for me! And it was from the Minnesota State Tax Place Office...Thing! It was my state tax refund! I was pretty stoked. I came back in,opened it up, and decided I should probably go ahead and deposit that right away. It took me a few seconds to realize that meant adding another errand to my already-too-long-for-my-liking list. This upped the total to three errands I had to run. That disappointment quickly canceled out the excitement of receiving my refund. Well, that and the fact that my refund wasn't even $50. A little dejected, I went out the door again to complete my errands.

I ended up getting back to my house about half an hour later, which is pretty impressive for going to the bank, grocery shopping, and getting a haircut. You could say I sprinted my errands. You could say that, if you wanted to lose all of your friends.

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