Wednesday, December 21, 2011

AIS Final

Finals week ended last Friday, so, you know, I probably should've written this last Friday. Maybe Saturday. But come on - give me a few days to gather myself first. If you know me, you know that I tend to not study, partly because I hate it so, but mostly because it usually isn't necessary. For AIS, it was necessary. If you will refer to my previous post(s) (I don't remember if I had more than one, but I feel like I would) in regards to my AIS class, you'll see that I have struggled mightily on the tests, but lucked out due to the professor's philosophy of adding points. Well, good ol' profe informed us that he will not be adding points to the final, which made me sad. Throughout the semester, he let us keep the test packets, and he gave back our answer sheets, indicating which questions we got wrong. My course of action was clear, then: Memorize all 200 questions from the four tests we'd taken during the semester. Except, maybe it wasn't so clear, because the professor didn't tell us what the right answers were to the questions we got wrong. I probably spent three hours looking up the right answers online (Google - the ULTIMATE study guide), and still didn't find the answers to some of them. I thought, "Well, now I have a 33% chance of getting them right instead of 25%. That's a step up, yeah?"
Over two days, I dedicated two hours (Total - let's not get carried away, here. I studied, but I'm still me, yo) to memorizing these tests, and I nailed it. If you go back a little bit, though, you'll realize that I spent more time finding the right answers to questions than I did actually studying. Holy whoa, yeah? I was torn between being thrilled and being not-thrilled over that little factoid.
Friday, the day of the final, arrived. My final was at 9:00 AM, which you have to understand, is very early for me to be taking a test, even if it's just recalling information from memory. I went to bed at around 11, a reasonable hour, I thought. However, when I know I have to wake up earlier than I usually intend to wake up, I become restless throughout the night. This night was no different. I woke up at 5:30, and, for some reason, seriously considered just getting up. Then I woke up at 6:00, then again at 6:20, and once more at 6:45. I was tired. I decided that I should drink some cream soda for breakfast, because, you know, caffeine. Cream soda is a lot like coffee in that sense, except it's delicious instead of offensively awful. I feel insulted when someone offers me coffee.
Anyway, if you were wondering, cream soda is not an adequate breakfast item on it's own. Or probably just in general. I felt a tad sick. I went over the four tests again real quick-like to see if I still had them memorized - I did. I put on my finals week attire of sweatpants over basketball shorts, a shirt and a sweatshirt, and was on my way.
I arrived at the classroom about five minutes early, and it was PACKED. WAY more packed than it had ever been for any other test. There was a single desk in the very back of the room. "Ha, perfect. It's like they were waiting for me to get here." Except, there was a different professor at the front of the room, and I didn't recognize anyone I glanced at in the room. "Oh no. This isn't my final," I thought. But then my professor came out of the back room, and a wave of relief washed over me. I slowly gathered that there was another class that was scheduled to take their final in this room at this time. The other class was a pharmacy class, and they found a different room and filed out. As soon as they were all a safe distance away, my professor said, "I was about to offer an extra credit opportunity: five points for every scalped pharmacist, ten points for every scalped pharmacy professor, and twenty points for the scalp of the head of the pharmacy department." Awesome. I laughed, more so out of discomfort than humor.
12 minutes later, I had finished the final. I ended up getting 86% on it, which was a huge disappointment. A lot of the questions to which I could not find the answers were on the final. This made me sad. I managed to get a B in the class, though, so whatevs, yo.

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