Friday, December 23, 2011

Dream Come True

Yesterday, I actually lived out a dream. Not in the sense that it was something I'd always wanted to do, though. I just literally experienced something that I once dreamed about. Two years ago, during my freshman year of college, at which point I was attending Concordia-St. Paul, I lived with my friend from high school, Damian. One particular morning, Damian had woken up earlier than I had, and I'm pretty sure he was waiting for me to wake up so he could tell me about a dream he had the night before, because when I woke up, almost instantaneously, he told me about his dream. Like, seriously, I wasn't even out of bed, yet. I think he was watching me sleep. Anyway, Damian told me about his dream.
"Okay, so, I was climbing up this mountain, right? Like, a HUGE mountain! I was climbing up it, and I almost fell a couple of teams, but I caught myself, and I looked down, and I couldn't even see the ground anymore, that's how huge this mountain was. So I was climbing it, and I made it to the top, and I looked out and I could see everything. (At this point, I made a smart remark about how incredible that is, considering he couldn't see the ground before) Oh, shut up. It was a dream, and I could see everything. I mean, EVERYTHING. Then - this is the best part - I skydived all the way back down to the bottom. It was so awesome!"
I took this all in, and then replied with, "Wow! That's a pretty sweet dream. You know what I dreamed about last night? I dreamt that I got new glasses..." Yeah. That's pretty much what my dreams have become, now. I remember once, a long time ago, I dreamt that I was living a particular level on Donkey Kong Country for the Super Nintendo. The level was "Mine Cart Carnage," (thank you, google) and in the level, you're in a mine cart in an abandoned mine shaft, and it's like a roller coaster. So I dreamt that I was in a super awesome roller coaster, which is a pretty sweet dream to have, let me tell you.
So, yesterday, I lived out a dream. Can you guess which one? Yup. The glasses. I got new glasses yesterday. Literally, a dream come true.

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