Monday, January 2, 2012

The Jokester - Thoughts Of A Liam

If I didn't have to go to college and could stay home forever, I think I could start a whole new blog titled "Thoughts Of A Liam." Alas, I do have to go to college and cannot stay home forever. That just means that I have to take advantage of my brother's puzzling little cranium while I can. Luckily, in order to do that, I don't actually have to do anything. I just sit here and he'll come up and start talking to me. Today, he had a joke. I think. It was more like a different way to present me with a fact, but it was told as a joke.

Liam: What do you call a turtle without a shell?

Me: Naked?

Liam: Nope!

Me: Homeless.

Liam: Nope!

Me: Okay, I give up. What do you call a turtle without a shell?

Liam: A not-turtle! Get it? Because all turtles have shells, and if this one didn't have a shell, it wouldn't be a turtle!

Me: ...That doesn't make any sense.

Liam: Oh...

Me: Well, I mean, it does, but it's not very funny.

Liam: Oh...

Me: Maybe you should go back to making up knock-knock jokes.

Liam: Maybe. What kind of ice cream are you going to get?

Me: (Confused stare)

Little kids are definitely in my top five for sources of entertainment, and having two brothers that are little kids is kind of like having two personal sources of entertainment, available to be used at any time. That's kind of a dark twist to the positive side of having little brothers, but I think you know what I mean. I don't "use" my brothers, I just get to be entertained for free almost every day I'm home.*

*Don't get me wrong - they're funny or whatever, but they're still my little brothers, which automatically makes them annoying. Like, really annoying. Most of the time they just annoy each other, though, so it's okay.

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